Where Bjorn Belongs

A heartfelt Christmas story of friendship and belonging, centered around the unbreakable bond between a boy and a bear, with a message about sustainability at the heart.

The story opens with a Christmas shopping scene and an unhappy Arthur who struggles to enjoy this time of year due to the sensory overload of the season – the bright lights, the noisy streets and the bustling crowds. He keeps his precious toy polar bear close for security, but after losing him and asking Father Christmas for a new one, he wakes up to find a REAL polar bear in his garden! Arthur names his new friend Bjorn, and in spite of his best efforts to keep him cold and happy, it soon becomes clear that he needs to help his friend return to where he belongs. Time for some more Christmas magic . . .

A loveable tale of friendship and love, and an exploration of how pursuing your dream can lead to making a world a better place, this is a book that is well worth a read, particularly over the Christmas and winter season.


World Earth Day 2023


Young Carers Action Day